Friday, February 8, 2008

O Butterfly, why did you flap your wings?

O Butterfly, why did you flap your wings?

I never knew such a term existed and was blissfully unaware of the term till this date (would like to note that the state of blissfulness hasn’t changed a bit after knowing this term too – so it isn’t quite a bliss-changing episode of my life...) – there I digress again! So what I was getting to was that I was unaware of this term till date and would have been so unless I came across it in an article and it intrigued me and I set upon its trail and… - ok enough of conjunctions now - get back to your senses Mr. David – flip! I forgot I don’t have any… Alright then, get back to your nonsense! (that sounds so much better..) So returning back to my nonsense: “the phenomenon whereby a small change at one place in a complex system can have large effects elsewhere, e.g., a butterfly flapping its wings in Rio de Janeiro might change the weather in Chicago” – well, that’s what the phrase “butterfly effect” means as per Wikipedia: (

…and you thought I phrased that cryptic definition? (that would be expecting a tad too much from me! ;-) …). So why am I writing this? Who knows! Maybe a butterfly flapped its wings in Bombay J Don’t you think I fool around too much without actually speaking any sense? I think the same! And all great minds _____ (fill in the blanks). Why should I complete the sentence every time for you? :-P Why don’t you use your great mind sometimes?

Well, whether we term/call them butterflies or not – the fact is true that there are such butterflies, myriads of them that cross (or don’t cross) our paths knowing or unknowingly and most of them when they flap their wings going about their routine life – in some remote way – affect ours. Do you think that a butterfly flaps its wings thinking that it has to consciously? Of course, no! It has to it has to because it needs to fly! It is something that comes naturally to a butterfly! So if something bad happens in your life – that is not because of a bad or naughty butterfly. There are no good or bad butterflies in this world. Each one flaps its wings because it has to – to stay alive, to smile, to laugh, to cry, to kill, to save, to love, to hate…

So the next time you see something bad (why do we always blame the bad things that happen to us on others/other things and take the credit for good things? –I know the answer to this!! Its Triple Is - Insane Insaan’s Instincts? – for the uninitiated and the ignorant – Insaan = Human being) happening in your life, know that a butterfly flapped it’s wings somewhere!! And lo behold a butterfly has transformed into a goat err.. em, I mean scapegoat :-D

O butterfly why doth thou flappeth thy wings?
One such day, long time ago, thou flapped thy wings…
And I heard a canary sing…
And I don’t know why, when, how,
I fell, I fell in Love…


Skinsleuth said...

Well said...and tell me something..the last 5 lines..were they urs? very beautiful! :-)

David Antony said...

thanggue.. yes memshaab.. last five lines are mine :-) .. couldnt stop writing something without a semblance of a poem in it :-D

Skinsleuth said...

A born poet you are.. :-)

Garima said...

i agree..
born poet!
i like the flippy butterfly thing! :)

Jita said...

a good one on human attitude! way to go!!

David Antony said...

Thangggs, again...

Why, thank you :-)
... and thanks for stopping by too...

Namaskaram saare...
Nanni :-)